Sunset Hills Elementary is better...with YOU!
With your PTA membership, all things are possible!
Did you know Sunset Hills PTA hosts fun, school-wide, annual events such as Trunk or Treat, Decades Dance, Science Fair, Red Ribbon Week, and Talent Show? We also lead academically-focused programs such as Lego Club, Shoebox Science and Math Olympiad. And we support our school through events such as Staff Appreciation and sales of Spirit Wear. For just $15, your membership provides financial support for all of these programs and more. Please consider membership today!

With your PTA membership, you also:
Show your children that school matters, and that you are invested in them and their successes.
Demonstrate to your child that success in school is the pathway to college or a career, and a productive life.
Partner with the principal, teachers, and staff to show your child that school is a safe, welcoming place, a hub of learning, and a fun place to be.
Share in campus events and experiences that make your child's school days more memorable!
Connect with other parents and become part of California State PTA and National PTA, the largest and most powerful children’s advocacy organizations in the country.
Help make sure parents' and family members' voices are heard when important decisions that affect your school are made.
And, the best news of all is that Sunset Hills Elementary PTA Memberships are only $15!
We have an easy online membership system, just click to add your voice to the SHES PTA, or print the form and drop it off at Sunset Hills.

Questions? Email: membership@sunsethillspta.org